Google Glass Flight Booking App
Making travel booking easier
Working at Amadeus IT London to shape the future of travel as an UI/UX designer Gael oversaw a Google Glass App project. The goal was to find a way to use Google Glass to book a flight.
Amadeus IT anonymous client
Research & Development Team
Gaël Jaffrezic
Antoine Picolet
Experience Design Team
Gaël Jaffrezic

He started by exploring the Google Glass capabilities and doing market and user research to target the early adopters that would use the Google Glass.
After some researches and several days designing with Google Glass at the office, Gaël ended up doing an app using the Glass camera to scan travel company advertisings displayed on the street.

Then used meta-data associated with the picture to know what the location was. The app was called WYSIWYB (What You See Is What You Book) as it was an easy way to use everyday advertising seen as a call to action to book a flight.

Gaël quickly defined the wireframe and built full information architecture that set the experience. He then built interaction principles and prototypes using After Effects and Android Studio to test the prototype on the Google Glass.
The device was totally different than what people know with smartphone apps which required more cognitive work for users.

In a quest to make the app really easy to use on this new device, Gael conducted for the first time in Amadeus history three steps user testing sessions, including preliminary information form, filmed user testing and post session anonymous feedback. This enabled Gaël to lead the iteration and enhancement of the interactions and design of the Google Glass app.